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Native American Costume

Nicole Halverson  

Research Assistant

Nicole Halverson

Nicole is a Prevention and Education Specialist from Grand Forks, North Dakota. She earned her bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice and sociology from the University of North Dakota. She found her passion for violence prevention through her development of BeSEENN, a program aimed at reducing rates of violence and feelings of invisibility faced by Native Americans through online educational modules. 

BeSEENN has been nationally recognized and in 2022, Nicole and other students traveled to Washington D.C. to share BeSEENN with the McCain Institute, Department of Homeland Security, and other field experts. 

Nicole currently works at CVIC, the Community Violence Intervention Center, in Grand Forks. She coordinates the Green Dot program, a community-based, bystander intervention program. Additionally, she presents to students K-12 within Grand Forks County on a variety of topics including friendships, online safety, and healthy dating.   

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